Bible: We continued with stories from The Child's Story Bible. They focused on Paul's travels.
Earth Science: In the midst of a unit on Rocks & Minerals, we continued reading aloud The Magic School Bus's Rocky Road Trip. We alternated the reading, with Emily Anne reading aloud the "reports" that Ms. Frizzle's students wrote.
Language Arts: We continued reviewing and memorizing poems. So far this year Emily Anne has memorized "Ooey Gooey", The Owl & the Pussycat", "The Swing," and "Persevere."
Literature: We continued reading aloud Augustine Came to Kent.
Boxcar Children: Emily Anne had a project to do on the first book in the Boxcar Children series. She chose to do a "Book Sandwich" where she commented on the different elements of the book on a different ingredient of the sandwich.
She will have a reading comprehension test on The Boxcar Children on Monday at Co-op.
Beginning IEW: Homework for Beginning IEW including reading a short passage about gardening, choosing three words per sentence, reworking those three words into new sentences, and coming up with a summary of the passage. In addition, she added the dress-up of using hundred-dollar words to replace one-dollar words.
We're looking forward to more exciting learning experiences next week. . . and to better health!
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