Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 5

Week 5 at Seven Pillars Academy was kind of slow, due to Emily Anne's stomach virus. It was a more laid-back week, concentrating mainly on read-alouds.

Bible: We continued with stories from The Child's Story Bible. They focused on Paul's travels.

Earth Science: In the midst of a unit on Rocks & Minerals, we continued reading aloud The Magic School Bus's Rocky Road Trip. We alternated the reading, with Emily Anne reading aloud the "reports" that Ms. Frizzle's students wrote.

Language Arts: We continued reviewing and memorizing poems. So far this year Emily Anne has memorized "Ooey Gooey", The Owl & the Pussycat", "The Swing," and "Persevere."

Literature: We continued reading aloud Augustine Came to Kent.

Boxcar Children: Emily Anne had a project to do on the first book in the Boxcar Children series. She chose to do a "Book Sandwich" where she commented on the different elements of the book on a different ingredient of the sandwich. The top of slice of bread included the tittle, author, and illustrator. Emily Anne summarized the book on the lettuce leaf. The tomato included the book's setting, and Emily Anne drew a picture of the boxcar in which the children lived. The meat of the sandwich discussed the main character, and Emily Anne chose to write about Henry, the oldest brother. The next ingredient asked what in the book made the reader smile and say "cheese." Emily Anne wrote about when Benny requested a small skinny tail for his stuffed animal so that he could pull it. On the onion students were to write about what was sweet or tearful in the book. Emily Anne described the scene where the children met their grandfather and found that he was kind and not mean, as they had feared. Emily Anne explained what she liked about the author's style on the bottom slice of bread; she enjoyed the action and the way the siblings took care of one another.
She will have a reading comprehension test on The Boxcar Children on Monday at Co-op.

Beginning IEW: Homework for Beginning IEW including reading a short passage about gardening, choosing three words per sentence, reworking those three words into new sentences, and coming up with a summary of the passage. In addition, she added the dress-up of using hundred-dollar words to replace one-dollar words.

We're looking forward to more exciting learning experiences next week. . . and to better health!

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